Hope and Change

Finally It’s Time For Real Hope And Change

When Obama was elected president he famously promised America hope and change, but what we found ourselves wanting was hoping…

8 years ago

The Hope and The Change–Watch and Share

Share This Movie With Your Friends! Dateline Washington, DC – David N. Bossie, President of Citizens United Productions, today announced…

12 years ago

Former Dem Artur Davis Appeals to Indies and Mod Dems

By limiting coverage of the Conventions on television most of America sees only a few prime time speakers. It's too…

13 years ago

Hope and Change? A Review.

Did you see this video? Put together by Fox and Friends staff, it is a look back at whether Obama's…

13 years ago

Tonight on the Dark Side with Kira Davis

6/10/12 The difference between hopey-change and REAL change; school-kids banned from singing 'God Bless the USA'; predictions! Tune in tonight at…

13 years ago

Looking Back at 4 Years of “Hope and Change”

Chris White, a Fox News Associate Producer, put together a video showing proof of what the past 4 years of…

13 years ago

Egypt: Broken, Unfulfilled Promises and Wild Cards

Facing a divisive run-off vote for president of Egypt, Mohammed Mursi, the Muslim Brotherhood's candidate, is trying for the center…

13 years ago

Greek Debt Crisis Steeped in Social-Mania-Style Hope and Change Politics

Part 1 – Three decades of creeping anti-capitalistic social-mania and big government expansion/intrusion collapses Greek economy.   Greece’s massive debt…

13 years ago