Iraq war

Beware of Deep State Rumors of War

Nijirah al-Sabah is the name to remember as hawks in Washington demand war against Russia for its alleged hack of…

4 years ago

With Little Fanfare, The Iraq War Ends

Today, with just a simple ceremony conducted at Baghdad airport, marked the end of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Defense Secretary Panetta…

13 years ago

Book Review: "9 Miracles- One Mother's Amazing Journey Home After Seeing Her Son Off To War"" By Leigh Watson

Yesterday, my family and I made a trip to our local Family Christian Bookstore. We had actually gone last weekend,…

13 years ago

U.S. Kicked Out Of Iraq

Now the truth about Obama's Friday (October 21, 2011) announcement about the Iraq war ending is beginning to come out.…

13 years ago

Sen. Marco Rubio on U.S. Troop Withdrawal From Iraq

President Obama recently announced that all U.S. Troops will be coming home from Iraq in time for Christmas this year.…

13 years ago

President Announces Troop Withdrawal in Iraq

The President of the United States announced today from the press briefing room, that all American fighting forces will be…

13 years ago