John Boehner

The Next Speaker Must Do More!

It should be of interest to every American when the second person in line to the Presidency resigns his position.…

9 years ago

Kevin McCarthy, Message Wizard, Replaces Former Wizard Boehner

It is axiomatic in politics that you can’t beat someone with no one. It’s a lesson one would think House…

9 years ago

Boehner Resigns! In an announcement Friday, Speaker John Boehner announced his resignation from Congress to be effective at the end…

9 years ago


  Barak Obama has nothing but hate and treason in him. He hates America; the freedom and prosperity it stands…

10 years ago

The end of Boehner? Motion to boot him sends House scrambling

Rep. Mark Meadows (R NC-11) has a few problems with House Speaker Boehner and he's asking the full House to help…

10 years ago

Marine calls Fuerher Obama out for the lowlife tyrant he is MARINE CALLS FUEHRER OBAMA OUT FOR THE LOWLIFE TYRANT HE IS In this video a Marine reads Fuehrer Obama…

10 years ago


  Barak Hussein Obama, self-appointed ruler with pen and phone, has decided to change the oath sworn by people seeking…

10 years ago

Obama Re-Writes The Allegory Of The Cave

In Plato’s story The Allegory of the Cave he poses some questions about reality: Is there a reality at all;…

10 years ago

Distractions – A.F. Branco Political Cartoon

Everyone's paying attention to the rebel flag debate while we watch John Boehner and Barack Obama sell our national sovereignty…

10 years ago

Boehner Slams Obama in Brutal Floor Speech [Video] The president’s overreach is an affront to the rule of law and the Constitution itself.

10 years ago

John Boehner’s Incremental Amnesty Surrender Strategy

Mathematicians have long contended that if you give a million monkeys a million typewriters and an infinite amount of time,…

11 years ago

Amnesty: The Next GOP Leadership Betrayal

House Republican leadership is preparing to betray the base. Again. To illustrate the magnitude of the sellout I was going…

11 years ago

John Boehner Has A Primary Challenger!

Eric Gurr files petitions, will challenge John Boehner WEST CHESTER, Ohio, Jan. 13, 2014 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Eric Gurr, of West Chester, Ohio filed his petitions…

11 years ago

House GOP Doesn’t Listen Any Better than Walmart

Occasionally the wrong person takes a column to heart. Earlier this month I wrote that Walmart doesn’t help its PR…

11 years ago

House GOP Has Nothing to Offer Conservatives

Here’s the situation: You’re in a high–stakes negotiation with an untrustworthy opponent. The opposition has violated every agreement the two…

11 years ago