Kelly Ayotte

Norquist and Kudlow have finally proven they are strident liberals

While Washington has in recent weeks been pondering what to do about illegal aliens, a number of pseudoconservatives have recently(and…

12 years ago

Rebuttal of the ACA’s newest blatant lies

The extremely leftist, pro-unilateral-disarmament Arms Control Association (ACA) has written yet another litany of blatant lies on its website, this…

12 years ago

As Clock Ticks, Democrat Majority Refuses To Address Budget Or Looming Defense Cuts

“The responsible thing is to fix this problem now and not leave the Defense Department in turmoil. They won’t even…

13 years ago

Progressive Senators Gang Up on Rand Paul to Allow EPA to Apply Cap and Trade by Fiat

Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky submitted a resolution in the U.S. Senate on Thursday which would have stopped the EPA…

13 years ago