If the FBI Shut Down the KKK Once, Can’t They Do It Again?

Has anyone else had enough of the insane threats, accusations, intimidation, hate speech, stabbings, drive-bys, and shootings? How much more…

6 years ago

Virginia Democrats Play Last Man Standing

Note to White People: Whenever an interview or news conference contains the phrase: "I am not a racist" you've already…

6 years ago

The History Of The Democrat Party: From The KKK To The AKK

The history of the Democrat party is a history of violent, terrorist Klansmen in America. From the Ku Klux Klan…

7 years ago

KKK Grand Dragon Will Quigg Supports Hillary Clinton [video]

Will Quigg KKK Grand Dragon is supporting Hillary Clinton. Why is the media not reporting on this?

9 years ago

Hillary,Trump,The KKK and Left Wing Media!!

This week the liberal left wing Huffington Post had a big article saying the KKK supported Donald Trump which got…

9 years ago

Mr. Obama’s Impartiality?

Mr. Obama has once again shown his utter disdain for Conservatives. Before getting into office he said in a speech…

9 years ago

Hillary Really Ropes ‘Em In

Over the July 4th weekend we all saw the rope lines that Hillary established to keep the press in line…

10 years ago

Black Tea Party Group Demands Apology from Alan Grayson

LOS ANGELES, Oct. 24, 2013 /Christian Newswire/ -- Conservative and independent-minded Black Americans are demanding a public apology from Congressman Alan…

11 years ago

A Year of Historic Elections

The year 2012 is rapidly becoming a year of historic elections. Greece held one recently where no single Party won…

13 years ago

Chris Matthews compares GOP to KKK

Mr. Tingles strikes again.

13 years ago

David Duke: 2012 Presidential Profile

PERSONAL INFORMATION David Ernest Duke was born July 1, 1950 in Tulsa, Oklahoma to David H. Duke and Alice Maxine…

14 years ago