Kyle Becker

NBC/WSJ Poll Proves They Don’t Talk to Many Black People

A new poll from NBC and the Wall Street Journal shows Romney as 0% support from Black voters. 0%!!! You don't have…

13 years ago

Tonight on the Dark Side with Kira Davis

The awesomely intelligent and vivacious Kira Davis is away on business, so CDN blogger extraordinaire has the high honor of…

13 years ago

NBC Airs Anti-gun Rehash Story in Horrific After-Math of Colorado Shooting

In the Hellish aftermath of the Colorado Movie Theater shooting, NBC News trots out an anti-gun investigation story it aired…

13 years ago

Tonight on the Dark Side with Kira Davis

7/22/12 CDNews' Kyle Becker joins me to discuss his viral post "1001 Reasons to Vote Against Obama". Also, Colorado shootings and…

13 years ago

Sen. Barbara Boxer Pivots on Trial Lawyers

In my last post about Sen. Boxer and the rest of the Democratic Caucus I forgot to mentioned her shameful…

13 years ago

Tonight on the Dark Side with Kira Davis

5/20/12  I'll be joined by Kyle Becker (Conservative Daily News) and Takia Hollowell ( to talk more about race and…

13 years ago