
The Progressives Are Doing It Right Before Our Eyes

LISTEN TO THE PODCAST One of the tactics that Progressives enjoy using most is the tactic of redefinition. We see…

5 years ago

Leftists Taking Language Instruction from Corporations

Jordan Peterson, a Canadian professor of psychology at the University of Toronto, is enjoying some measure of fame and its…

7 years ago

Taking Back the Political Lexicon

There is a vein of philosophy which holds that the existence of absolute truth is negated by the subjectivity of…

9 years ago

The U.S. Constitution in Plain Language

In response to the New York Times editorial "Let's Give Up on the Constitution," written by esteemed scholar Louis Michael…

12 years ago

‘Language Access Center for Excellence’ Launched as a Healthcare Resource

Speakers bureau of experts on language access for limited-English proficient patients, hospitals and others in the healthcare industry now available…

14 years ago