Liberal media

Former New York Times Editor Carries Obama Therapy Doll in Her Purse

It’s not like the New York Times’ liberal bias is any secret but here is a creepy story that shows…

7 years ago

MSNBC’s Olbermann Declares NRA ‘Terrorist Organization’

Keith Olbermann is taking the calls for a war on the National Rifle Association one step further than Hillary Clinton…

7 years ago

ESPN Hostess Apologizes for Racist Tweet but NOT to ‘White Supremacist’ Trump

By now it’s abundantly clear that there will be no accountability moment for the ESPN SportsCenter hostess who caused a…

7 years ago

French Rag Charlie Hebdo Portrays Texas Hurricane Victims as Drowning Nazis

Je suis Charlie? French magazine Charlie Hebdo took a cheap shot at the victims of Hurricane Harvey with a cover…

8 years ago

Pathetic Washed-Up Old Fool Keith Olbermann Promotes New Anti-Trump Book

The latest leftist nincompoop to try to cash in on those who can’t get over it that Hillary Clinton was…

8 years ago

ESPN Pulls Asian-American Football Announcer from Game Because His Name is Robert Lee

Considering the great national media freak out after the incidents in Charlottesville and the subsequent war on statues, it’s hard…

8 years ago

Pack Your Bags Fatso: Michael Moore Refuses to Live in a Country Where Trump is President

Unhinged liberal propagandist and self-styled resistance leader Michael Moore continues his jihad against the legitimately elected President of the United…

8 years ago

Rolling Stone Magazine Asks Why Canada’s Justin Trudeau Can’t be Our President

When it comes to liberal propaganda rags there are few more open about their reverence for radical leftist sentiment than…

8 years ago

In the World of Ideas, Democrats Are Losing Badly

Former President Barack Obama was in great part a creation of the liberal press. His ideas were their ideas, he…

8 years ago

New Washington Post Slogan is Just Lipstick On a Very Smelly Pig

The Washington Post which has served as the nexus of anti-Trump propaganda has just rolled out a brand-new slogan that…

8 years ago

What the Bible says about the Liberal Media

YouTube Description: Why does the mainstream media ignore the problems with Obamacare? It was forced down our throats and continues…

11 years ago

ObamaCare around the horn

In case you've been living under a rock somewhere, all the buzz is about the mainstream media cooling off when…

11 years ago

Liberal Tyrants and their Conservative Helpers – S2E6

Liberal media is controlling the GOP! Doubt that? You won't after watching Joe Dan Gorman lay it all out for…

12 years ago

The Confederate Corner with George Neat July 16th – Zimmerman, Facebook and Napolitano

When: Tuesday, July 16th, 10pm Eastern/7pm Pacific Where: Confederate Corner with George Neat on Blog Talk Radio What: Yes there are…

12 years ago

Ana Marie Cox Thinks Breitbart and His ‘Minions’ Are Bad Bad People

Ana Marie Cox of the Guardian isn’t on our team. That’s fine.  However, tous the “jackass” wing of journalism only demonstrates the…

12 years ago