Liberal media

Media Apoplectic Over Romney’s Faux Gaffe in UK

The liberal media was was off to the races after Romney's alleged Olympic gaffe.  It would be all the more…

13 years ago

Media Matters Chief Sued by Gay Lover

Well, well, well, when people live in glass houses while making a living throwing stones, things are bound to get…

13 years ago

Founding Father’s Rap “Mr. America”- by Powdered Zombies Racist?

H/T All American Blogger Powdered Zombies is none other than Steven Crowder and Chris Loesch, wearing powdered wigs and dressed…

13 years ago

In Iowa, Gingrich Exposes Romney as a Liar, Media Misfits Call Foul

In Iowa, Newt Gingrich recently gave Nora O'Donnell a dose of reality: In the following video clip courtesy of,…

13 years ago

Beware of "C2ES" Climate Change Propaganda Group Retread

With the advent of super high speed internet and information sharing around the globe making it easier to expose nefarious…

13 years ago

Florida Vote Fraud Will Not be Tolerated in 2012.

The State of Florida has new voting laws in place this year, and a few people have already been caught…

13 years ago

Super-Obama Takes Out Al-Qaeda Leader al-Awlaki

The people of Libya heard a dramatic swoosh of air last night, and upon looking up into the darkened moonless…

13 years ago