
America In The Age Of Stupidity: Sorry, But I’m Not Offended

Have you ever noticed that Democrats go through half their lives being offended about stupid stuff that the rest of…

1 year ago

The College Quandary: Why Is It That  Academics and Intellects Tend To Be Liberal?

Recently, I had a conversation with a friend of mine regarding widespread Liberalism among those most educated–Academics and Intellects, many…

2 years ago

Daily Effects of Liberal Privilege

A reader sent me a link to the United Way's 21-Day Racial Equity Challenge and while reading through "equity journey",…

4 years ago

At This Time in History

The words written by the Apostle Paul 100’s of years ago are so on point for the chaotic times we…

4 years ago

2 Polls Show Trump with at least 19% of Blacks Supporting Him

President Donald Trump either has no shot at being reelected or is in one of the tightest races according to…

5 years ago

Why Are Liberals So Consumed With Sex?

For years, many have written about the atrocities of Socialists, Communists, Abortionists, Atheists, Nazis, Religious Zealots, Vegans, Global Warmers, Globalists,…

5 years ago

Demiq Virus Far Worse Than Expected!

Recently, I wrote an article accurately predicting attentions should also be focused upon the DemIQ Virus – not just the…

5 years ago

Liberalism – An Ignorant, Gutless, Clueless, Arrogant Groupthink Society!

Have you ever noticed the real modus operandi of Liberals? First, liberals expect everyone to believe they are the smartest…

5 years ago

Impeachment Efforts Must Teach All Critical Lessons

Life is full of ups, downs, twists, and turns. This fact is indisputable and can easily be guaranteed by asking…

5 years ago

What Ever Happened to Logic?

Logic isn’t a simple talking point. If it were, why are so many Americans – especially Democrats, Never Trumpers, and…

5 years ago

Conservative’s New Year’s Resolutions

The Captain of our Team has proven to be capable of leading us through all the dark and twisted bombshells…

5 years ago

December Warning

While most Americans and Christians around the world celebrate and hold December near and dear to their hearts, Democrats and…

5 years ago

Will The IG Report Be a Christmas Gift for Justice!

Is anyone else tired of hearing about the IG (Inspector General’s) report on the Russia/Ukraine President Trump hoax and coup?…

5 years ago

Dear God, Please Let the Impeachments Begin!

If the current Democrat-led Impeachment Hearings focused upon a duly elected honorable President of the United States doesn’t lead to…

5 years ago

Why the UK Repeatedly Stumbles Heading for the Brexit

MAGA–hat owners would feel right at home on the streets of London. Moseying along wary of a sneak attack by…

5 years ago