Mainstream Media

When The Mainstream Media Should Reveal an Expert’s Personal Crusades

In the immediate aftermath of the Boston Massacre, John Adams – who would go on to help craft the Declaration…

3 years ago

Why Isn’t The Media Reporting This?

The “Cancel Culture” is attempting to take over, remove, everything good that this country stands for. What started out as…

5 years ago

Media Focused on Blaming Coronavirus on Trump

After years of Russia, Russia, Russia and a few months of Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine we now have another bunch of…

5 years ago

Newseum, a Temple to Journalist’s Self–Regard, Falls on Hard Times

Evidently, America just wasn’t that into you. The Newseum, a 250,000–square–foot nexus of narcissism for America’s journalists is in danger…

7 years ago

The Mainstream Media Won’t Change Until the Ratings Game Is Removed

There is a lot of complaining about the disingenuous nature of the mainstream media, and rightly so. Most news outlets…

8 years ago

I Was 100 Percent Wrong About Donald Trump

It’s been a decade or more since I’ve enjoyed watching election returns on TV. Republicans are always being told not…

8 years ago

The revolution will not be televised – Intellectual Froglegs S2 – Ep 11

The democrats want a blank check again to spend, and are blaming the conservatives for not being willing to compromise…

11 years ago

The Conservative’s Guide to the Galaxy – Intellectual Froglegs S2E8

You've made fun of the mainstream media, been infuriated by it, and have pointed out how biased to the left…

12 years ago

Did Race Baiters Like Al Sharpton Nearly Get George Zimmerman Convicted

There is a class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships…

12 years ago

‘Jail to the Chief’ Intellectual Froglegs #29

Joe Dan Gorman brings his analysis of the week's scandals - IRS, AP, and Benghazi. Of course he also explores…

12 years ago

ZoNation: Left-Wing Media Ignore the Gosnell House of Horrors

Alfonzo Rachel explains how the right-wing blew it when it comes to the Kermit Gosnell case. (Yes, you do need…

12 years ago

Dear Left, If Sarah is Irrelevant Why ALL the Coverage?

It's been more than four years since the Left began demonizing Sarah Palin, criticizing everything from her hair to her…

12 years ago

RepubliKKKans Fail to Defeat Obama

Tuesday I spent almost an hour waiting in line with a bunch of racists. Previously I would have described the…

12 years ago

Warning to Mainstream Media: You Will Not Get Away With Your Lies & Deceit

Mainstream media are living in fantasyland if they think they're going to get away with the shameless stream of lies…

12 years ago

MSM’s Love Affair with Obama Cooling Down

It's true that the Mainstream Media has been madly in love with Obama since he came on the scene as…

12 years ago