
Here’s Why Millennials are waiting longer to get married and spending less when they do

Millennials are waiting longer to get married and opting for simpler, smaller ceremonies and receptions once they do get hitched.…

7 years ago

What would mother think?

Baby boomers, whose parents looked askance at 'moving in together,' are doing just that in their old age, according to…

8 years ago

Ah Jeez… Taco Bell to Offer Wedding and Reception on the Menu

Because the world needed this... order a wedding and reception off of a fast food menu. I'm pretty sure that's going to…

8 years ago

Same-Sex “Marriage,” An Illogical Counterfeit

“Destroy the family and you destroy a nation,” has been an oft-repeated aphorism of unverified origin, that rings true from…

10 years ago

Texas is the latest victim of a judicial free-for-all

Texas Ruling Striking Marriage Amendment is Attack on Rule of Law WASHINGTON, Feb. 26, 2014 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Today, Federal Judge Orlando Garcia, a…

11 years ago

Obamacare Penalizes Married Couples

CHARLOTTE, N.C., Nov. 26, 2013 /Christian Newswire/ -- The Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, punishes married couples by making it…

11 years ago

Illinois Senate Passes Redefinition of Marriage Bill

SPRINGFIELD, Nov. 5, 2013 /Christian Newswire/ -- The Thomas More Society, which has been at the forefront in defending traditional…

11 years ago

DOMA: Suprme Court Strikes Down Key Part of Defense of Marriage Act

The Supreme Court, in a 5-4 decision, has found the Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional. The federal law that defined…

12 years ago

Important Message For Christians: Test of Fire

H/T Western Journalism YouTube Description: Will you vote the values that will stand the test of fire? Some things are…

13 years ago

Tonight on the Dark Side with Kira Davis

7/17/2012  New York Times admits marriage is good for raising children and is Romney losing the news cycle? Tune in tonight…

13 years ago

Homophobic Contradictions: The Government, Darwin And Jesus

    A T-shirt slogan that caught my attention last week, “Jesus is not a homophobe” so intrigued me I…

13 years ago

Catholic Video Unites Members Against Obama Agenda

Catholics Called to Witness released a video that seeks to unite the Church's members where key issues are concerned. Pro-life, pro-jobs,…

13 years ago

While Obama Pushes Same-Sex Marriage, Pro-Family Movement Educates and Affirms the Natural Family as the Future of Society

MADRID, Spain, May 21, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ -- In less than a week, World Congress of Families VI will open…

13 years ago

President Obama’s Executive Order for Marriage Equality

(Associated Depressed) -- President Obama issued an executive order entitled the Equality in Marriage Act, requiring by law that all…

13 years ago

He Proposes, She Faints

This brings a whole new meaning to "sweeping her off her feet"!

13 years ago