media manipulation

Jodi Arias is More Important to Americans Than Benghazi!

    If you ask your average American who Jodi Arias is, they will not only tell you who the…

12 years ago

Branco Cartoon – Fully Loaded

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source. To see more CDN Branco cartoons, click here.    Branco’s page is Cartoonist A.F.Branco

12 years ago

Where’s the Combat Footage?

During Operations Desert Shield/Desert Storm and Operation Iraqi Freedom the press was embedded with American troops showing regular footage to…

13 years ago

Obama’s Marxist 2012 Reelection Campaign

Barack Obama's 2012 taxpayer-funded reelection campaign contains many elements, including massive doses of class warfare and racially-divisive rhetoric, (think, "…

13 years ago

Media Pushing False GM Success Story to Reelect Obama

   ***In living memory of conservative truth-teller Andrew Breitbart who passed away last week at 43 years of age. Andrew…

13 years ago

Solyndra-Style DOE Loan Report Released

The Obama administration was caught red-handed giving a half-billion, taxpayer-funded green energy loan to a [now bankrupt] green energy company in what…

13 years ago

The Left Loves Newt Gingrich

Remember when we used to say "don't let the media choose our candidate"? Well, they are, and they've convinced large…

13 years ago

Reporter Blows the Lid Off DNC “Secret Media Meeting”

The Democratic National Convention will be held in Charlotte, N.C. this year. As The Charlotte Observer reports, the DNC committee…

13 years ago

U/E Rate Makeover Can’t Hide America’s Beans and Rice Economy

America's denial of economic reality continued this week with the posting of job growth numbers that are inflated due to…

13 years ago

Occupy Tampa ( all 7 of them) Say Tampa PD Using Tanks to Threaten Them

The following video comes to us via 10 NEWS-Tampa Bay, Florida, from an article titled, Are Tampa police using…

13 years ago