House Republicans Demand Info On Climate Groups’ Ties To China

A pair of top House Republicans demanded information from several progressive organizations on their ties to the Chinese Communist Party…

3 years ago

Civil Rights Groups Demand Zuckerberg Step Down Following Reports Of Anti-Soros Lobbying

Several civil rights groups are calling on Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg step down from the company’s board of directors after…

6 years ago

How Far Will the Left Go? Pretty Darn Far.

So, this last week we've seen a young adult talking about her 'first time', an ad filled with sexual innuendo…

12 years ago

MoveOn Attacks Ryan With Lies

Here is the latest from in the lie filled institutionalized “progressive” left’s smear campaign against Rep. Paul Ryan.  How…

13 years ago

Democrats Politicize Tragedy

Just before 5pm yesterday, I received an email from requesting yet again that I take action on something in…

13 years ago

Evil Bank’s Student Loan Crushing Your Dreams? Not for Long.

These days, all the cool young protestors seem to be talking about one thing. The calls for beheading Wall Street…

13 years ago Takes Credit for Dodd-Frank Consequences

It's been so long since we saw anything actionable come out of Obama's Now, a letter from the organization…

13 years ago

CPUSA–> Obama’s Jobs Bill–> OccupyWallStreet

   Communism, Socialism, OccupyWallStreet, and Barack Obama's Jobs Bill all nestled together under one all-telling blanket.  While the following excerpts…

13 years ago

For The Children –’s Newest [Video]

Lock up your kids, Move On is entering them into contracts. Is that even legal?  (h/t to Peter Schiff via…

14 years ago

Spinning the Downgrade

On Friday, S&P downgraded the U.S. credit rating to AA+ from AAA. The downgrade report complained that the debt ceiling…

14 years ago

The Democratic Attack Machine

The war of 2012 (elections) is heating up already, and it is sure to be a long hot summer in…

14 years ago

Wisconsin Protests Go Nationwide: The Radical Agenda

Today we are being told that the Union protests will spread across the nation. I believe this could be the…

14 years ago

Bust the Unions ? You Betcha!

      Bust all public sector Unions and bar them from the taxpayer's wallet, and do it today. It is time…

14 years ago