NYT/MSM Induced Election-Related Psychosis: Cognitive Dissonance

2024 Election Results tells me that America deserves an apology from the mainstream media. Facebook takes exception to this piece.…

4 months ago

Elon Musk Battles the Free Speech Windmills of Social Media

The Freedom of Speech in Social Media Paradox While Elon Musk positions himself as a free speech absolutist, free speech…

11 months ago

Christianity is Counter-intuitive, in Harmony with Faith & Reason

Why it has been used as a punching bag for thousands of years: Christianity is counter-intuitive and in harmony with…

2 years ago

When The Mainstream Media Should Reveal an Expert’s Personal Crusades

In the immediate aftermath of the Boston Massacre, John Adams – who would go on to help craft the Declaration…

3 years ago

The Kyle Rittenhouse Acquittal is Not the Story

Camas, WA - After the Kyle Rittenhouse acquittal, GoFundMe explained why it acted as a jury, judge and executioner as it removed…

3 years ago

AOC & Squad. Lots of Noise But No Results

The Main Stream Media loves Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (AOC) and her gang because they fit a perfect narrative when they…

4 years ago

Time for the Rest of Us to Unfriend the Media?

The news media has a shaky grasp of the Constitution. It’s true the 1st Amendment promises freedom of the press,…

7 years ago

Chastity Backlash Breaks Out Among Christians

Evidently there’s a significant subset of the female population angry and resentful because they didn’t have more opportunity to be…

9 years ago

SHOCK: Obama Calls for Change to How Media Reports

Obama isn't happy with the way that the media reports on his failing economic and social policies. At a discussion…

10 years ago

What the Bible says about the Liberal Media

YouTube Description: Why does the mainstream media ignore the problems with Obamacare? It was forced down our throats and continues…

11 years ago

Insanity Island: Media Brainwashing- Obamacare is good!

Reading right from the Main Stream Media script, a new installment of Insanity Island. In this episode: Neuman the Pig…

12 years ago

Conan O’Brien Fully Exposes Mainstream Media

It would be really funny if it were not true! My favorite is the one that stumbles over himself at…

12 years ago

CNN Touts Post Speech Poll…But Sample Includes Only 17% Republicans?

Giving the president a big 'thumbs up' CNN headlines tout the State of the Union speech as having a 53%…

12 years ago

Dear Left, If Sarah is Irrelevant Why ALL the Coverage?

It's been more than four years since the Left began demonizing Sarah Palin, criticizing everything from her hair to her…

12 years ago

CIA admits to using the “news” to manipulate the USA since at least 1975

We all know the famous line from A Few Good Men... "You just can't handle the truth!" This is what…

12 years ago