National Education Association

Teachers Union Runs Ad Calling Conservative Parents ‘Extremists’

The New Jersey chapter of the nation’s largest teachers union, the National Education Association (NEA), published an ad labeling parents…

3 years ago

Largest Teacher’s Union Plans To Compile List Of Opposition Groups To Target

The National Education Association (NEA), the country’s largest teacher’s union, committed to spending more than $140,000 to research and target…

3 years ago

Teachers Unions ‘Hold The Education Of Kids Hostage,’ Worker Rights Group Says

A worker rights group is calling out the National Education Association and The American Federation of Teachers. The National Right…

3 years ago

Largest Teachers Union Wrote Letter Asking Social Media Companies to Censor Information Rejective of Critical Race Theory

Following the National School Boards Association letter sent to the White House comparing parents to domestic terrorists, the nation’s largest…

3 years ago

Teacher’s Union Officials’ Facebook Post Says People with Religious Vaccine Exemptions Deserve to Die, Suggests GOP Commit Mass Murder

A National Education Association (NEA) Board of Directors member and English teacher at a Pennsylvania high school posted to Facebook…

3 years ago

The Constitutional Work–Around for Term Limits

I’ve always wondered why the National Education Association (NEA) and the country club conservatives in the Republican House and Senate…

7 years ago

Progressive Super PAC and its Spin Project

Progressive Super PAC "American Bridge 21st Century" announced the launch of their Spin Project "Correct the Record", a dedicated research,…

12 years ago