New World Order

Biden’s “New World Order” Simply More Anti-American, Communist, Democrat Party Order Of Things

If I understood our idiot president correctly the other day, I believe he said that a fearsome New-World-Order is being…

3 years ago

Biden And His Just-Discovered New-World-Order

In a speech given on March 21st, slow-Joe Biden predicted that a new world order, which he, in his superior…

3 years ago

“There’s Going To Be A New World Order”: Joe Biden Frighteningly Boasts Of Dystopian Future (VIDEO)

Joe Biden and the globalist establishment pawns in Washington, D.C. don’t even try to hide their disdain for individuals nor…

3 years ago

Hillary, Obama And The New World Order

Evil billionaire George Soros’ dream is a one world government commonly known as the New World Order with the…

7 years ago


I am watching a series on the AMERICAN HEROES CHANNEL titled "The Revolution", about the events and people that brought…

9 years ago


REPENTANCE WILL SAVE THE UNITED STATES: 2 CHRONICLES 7:14 2 Chronicles 7:14, "if my people who are called by my…

9 years ago

John Cornyn and NRA Betray Constitution

The 2nd Amendment of our founding document, the Constitution of the United States of America, states: "A well-regulated Militia, being…

10 years ago

EU Plutocracy on Verge of Collapse

Top Judge Puts the Brakes on Merkel's EU Bailout Scheme/EFSF Expansion The EU plutocracy started coming apart at the seems…

13 years ago

What is Agenda 21 [Video]

Maruice Strong and his Earth Charter crap came from Agenda 21. They intend it to be a new religion. A…

14 years ago

Glenn Beck: America is Being Played !

Glenn Beck has predicted the Middle East crisis almost to a tee recently, and while everyone was calling him crazy…

14 years ago

George Soros and The New World Order [PodCast]

George Soros is a threat the the American way of life.  This broadcast makes it more evident than ever.  …

14 years ago

Democrats Discover that One-World Government Doesn’t Include Them

The new World order and One-World governance: all countries participating in and living by the policies and rules of a…

14 years ago

Zbigniew Brzezinski, Global Governance and Barack Obama

Zbigniew Brzezinski could be called the Maurice Strong of Foreign Policy. While Strong used the UN and Global Organizations to…

15 years ago