
Millionaires & Billionaires Fighting “Oppression”

Oppression certainly isn’t what it used to be. Instead of vicious police dogs, water cannon, billy clubs, and Bull Connor,…

7 years ago

The Unbridled Hate of Hate Speech Laws

“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” This quote,…

11 years ago

NYC “Feminists” Demand the Right Not to be Seen as Sex Objects. By Going Topless.

It's possible that "progressives" have weekly meetings to decide what action they can take to simultaneously shock the rational sensibilities…

12 years ago

On Human Liberation

Before a revolution takes place, there must be a change in the ideas circulated in the public arena. Rather than…

13 years ago

Be Careful Who or What You Allow to Move You!

I read an article last week by Thomas Sowell which related to a day in Barack Obama’s not too distant…

14 years ago