A Palestinian State

When Middle East Policies Collide

Tuesday, September 20, 2011 will prove to be a very busy and interesting day.  On that day, Israeli Prime Minister…

13 years ago

Palestinian TV: Arab homes will be built at Western Wall, Jews’ praying is “sin and filth”

Israel needs our urgent prayers! Isa 45:3...........Father, You are the God of Israel, and they are Your people. Isa 45:17..........Save…

14 years ago

America, We Were Warned Thousands of Years Ago

As I wrote in my article "Come Hell or High Water I will Stand With Israel", quoting the passage of…

14 years ago

Come Hell or High Water I Will Stand With Israel

I sat watching the "Glenn Beck" show just an hour ago with a mixture of emotions. My city made Glenn…

14 years ago

“That” Day Has Come- Israel IS The Burdensome Stone

“And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people. All who burden themselves with it…

14 years ago