presidential debates

Calling Out the Know-It-All Left on the Issue of Racism

During the transformative years of the 1960s and 1970s the country went through some incredible growing pains, especially where the…

8 years ago

Post Debate on The 405 Radio – 10/16

Catch Post-Presidential Debate commentary on The 405 Radio with CDN's own Liz Harrison, and Eye Desert, along with John Grant,…

12 years ago

Five Things Romney Must Do in Debate Two

I've watched debates, Presidential and otherwise, for over 26 years now, and participated in my fair share over the years.…

12 years ago

The 405 Live Post-Debate Podcast

Miss the debates? Or looking for another post-debate analysis? Listen to Liz Harrison (@GoldwaterGal) from and CDN, Mike (@lmelephantblog)…

12 years ago

All Massachusetts People Look Alike to Me

When I first read that Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry (D–Noblesse Oblige) had been recruited to play the opponent during practice…

13 years ago