private sector

Cleaning our oceans the private-sector way

Let’s face it, we live in a plastic society. Nearly everything we buy is wrapped or packaged in some form…

4 years ago

American Technology!

Meet EMILY, a robotic lifeguard that assists swimmers. Designed by Hydronalix, a US start-up company, this new device is currently…

13 years ago

New Mitt Romney Video: Jolt

Mitt Romney has released a new campaign video

13 years ago

Obama Backtracks…. Private Sector “Not Doing Fine” After All

This just has not been a good day for President Obama! First thing this morning there was an out-of-touch-with-reality quip…

13 years ago

RNC Response Ad: “Doing Fine”

The RNC wasted no time in getting out a video in response to Obama's quip this morning about the private sector…

13 years ago

Harry Reid – Private Sector Doing Just Fine! WHAT??!!

What??!!  WHAT??!!  WHAAAAATT??!!!!   2 MILLION lost private sector jobs during the Obama-nation!  145K public sector jobs created!!  Is it…

13 years ago

9 Levels Of Outrage

The pay gap between Federal employees and private sector employees

13 years ago

RNC: “Give It To Me”

On Thursday, the Republican National Committee published a news release and video detailing Obama's willingness to take responsibility for the…

14 years ago