
New Book Suggests Possible End of Progressive Rule In 2014

PHOENIX, Oct. 15, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- In 1913 America fell under the spell of an addictive European collectivist ideology called Progressivism that…

11 years ago

Federal Government: Embarrassing to the Point of Painful

As the so-called "government shutdown" drags on, one thing is hard not to admit: the Obama Administration is acting in…

11 years ago

Dr. Michael Savage: An Authentic Conservative Voice Crying Out in the Progressive Wilderness

Being an authentic conservative often means standing outside the inner-circle where conservatives should stand together fighting the progressives destroying America…

12 years ago

Dispensing with the ‘It’s the Law’ Rhetoric

Over the past few months, Progressives and Democrats who favor the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) – both elected and not…

12 years ago

Greg Abbott and the Art of the Twitter Townhall

  Twitter is probably one of the best ways to make connections with people across the globe, but it's hard…

12 years ago

What Obama’s “Bulworth” Comment Shows About Us

Almost forgotten within the whirlwind of last week's columns and news stories covering the Obama Administration's scandals was a piece…

12 years ago

A Thank You Note to “Progressive” Hero Dr. Kermit Gosnell

Dear Dr. Gosnell, Before I really get going here, let me just say I'm sorry the "progressives" have abandoned you,…

12 years ago

“progressives” in American Politics

While “progressives” have existed in both major American political Parties for over a century, in recent years "progressives" have consumed…

12 years ago

“progressives” in The Media

The American mainstream media has long been sympathetic to the “progressive” cause. For decades they have made subliminal editorial decisions…

12 years ago

“progressive” Origins

The "progressive" movement in America first appeared during the late 19th century in response to so called “robber barons" such…

12 years ago

Can we cut the Sensationalizing…PLEASE?

The fundamental premise of most federally elected officials is that tightening their grip around the throats of the people will…

12 years ago

Bill Maher and Bob Russell Agree: Hell Has Just Frozen Over

I wrote a blog article  a while back pointing out how Barack Obama (Osama bin Obama) is putting the finishing…

12 years ago

President has Personal Discretion in Government Shutdown

This was originally posted April 09, 2011 during that threat of government shutdown. It's regrettable the American people are rounding…

12 years ago

Chris Dorner & Jake England: Mass Murderers or Folk Heroes?

With all of the support given to Chris Dorner after his murder spree I find myself looking for a person…

12 years ago

US Constitution: Transitioning Our First Amendment from Freedom of Religion to Freedom to Worship

> Freedom of Thought or Consciousness is dangerous to a free society. It can be used to suppress religious institutions…

12 years ago