
Rand Paul Blames America First, Advocates Appeasement

If you needed any more evidence that Rand Paul is totally indistinguishable from his father on foreign and defense policy…

11 years ago

Ayn Rand’s Answer to the Left’s Bullying

Smug, self-righteous leftists bully anyone who dare disagree with their doctrinaire suppositions. This is a cynical but effective ploy that…

12 years ago

Let’s stop pretending that deep defense cuts can be done safely

In recent weeks, several organizations have put out proposals of various defense cuts which they claimed are informed by or…

12 years ago

Capitalism: The Perpetual Economic Revolution

  Capitalism has gotten a bum rap from self-styled revolutionaries for being a supposed class system of exploitation that serves…

13 years ago

Cultural Destroyers, Cultural Creators

The dissolution of our Republic has been a play in many acts, and diverse players have strutted and fretted their…

13 years ago

Why Progressives Are Always Wrong

The Objectivist Ayn Rand wrote a lot about the Aristotelian Law of Identity - where A is A - and…

13 years ago

How the Left Sees Us

Sick of being treated like sheeple instead of people? Well, start thinking like an individual human being instead of a…

13 years ago

The Nature of Reason: Crucial to Saving the Republic

Americans can be divided into two main factions, conservatives and progressives, who are vying for the soul of the republic.…

13 years ago