Reality TV

American Idol 2013 Winner Prediction

If you do not watch American Idol, you are not really missing too much. For the most part, the show…

12 years ago

Reality TV: Life in the Gutter?

How low has society gone? On the news today is the story of a new reality show featuring an Atlanta…

12 years ago

Chris Christie In Heated Exchange On The Boardwalk

New Jersey's infamous Governor Chris Christie gets into a verbal altercation with a passerby who wants to make sure Governor…

13 years ago

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

If the names Michaele and Tareq Salahi sound vaguely familiar to you, but you just can't seem to remember where you…

14 years ago

The Reality Of The Situation In This Country

It appears that we have hit a new low in America. I just read an article via The Blaze that…

14 years ago

Obama’s Speech on Deficit Reduction: “My finely honed Political Instincts”

Our Obama, who art on vacation, Hollowed be thy head. Your limo come, vacation’s done, in Chicago as it is…

14 years ago