
Donald Trump Announces Ethics Reform for Washington D.C.

On Monday, Donald Trump released his plan to "drain the swamp" and reform Washington D.C. It is time to drain the…

8 years ago

The Fomentation of a Government Shut Down

Well, it is upon us, the dreaded government shutdown. And yet the Earth still spins, the water still runs, the…

11 years ago

If There Was Ever a Golden Opportunity

The recent “scandals” plaguing the Obama Administration serve to illustrate that nothing lasts forever. The honeymoon with the mainstream media…

12 years ago

Congressman Issa Responds To Obama’s Remarks On Benghazi Whistleblowers

Immediately after President Obama stated that he had no knowledge of efforts to block whistleblowers from telling their stories in…

12 years ago

The Health Care Debate Continues

In case you missed it. . . this weekend on Mike Huckabee the debate on health care continued. The following…

13 years ago

Tonight on the Dark Side with Kira Davis

6/5/2012  Election Fever! I'll be live on location from Los Angeles! Location will be disclosed at showtime. We'll cover results…

13 years ago

Jeb Bush Signs Right On Crime Statement of Principles

Joins Ed Meese, Grover Norquist, Bill Bennett, and dozens of conservative leaders supporting conservative criminal justice reforms AUSTIN, Texas, Sept. 2, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Jeb Bush,…

14 years ago

Motor-City Madness-Half of Detroit’s Adults are Illiterate

A recent study by the National Institute for Literacy says that nearly half (47%) of adults living in Detroit, Michigan…

14 years ago

Dodd-Frank: A Nightmare On So Many Levels

Senators Barney Frank and Chris Dodd put together yet another progressive nightmare for our marginally free-market system. Granted the thought…

15 years ago

Health Care, Tariffs, Tort Reform: It’s Not About You

The current administration is positioning their policy initiatives as if they are intended to help the working class. Nothing could…

15 years ago