
The Diamond Ring Of The Great American Eclipse

The more information this author finds through continued research on the different aspects of The Great American Eclipse of August…

8 years ago

First The Eclipse, Now The Hurricane

This past Monday, August 21, 2017, God Almighty sent a sign of Biblical proportions as a warning to what history has dubbed…

8 years ago

Sadly, That Day Has Come: Excessive Celebration

God help us all! Remember when you used to say,"May the day never come when...."? Well, that day has come!…

12 years ago

Rick Perry Compares Himself To… TIM TEBOW

You know, some candidates compare themselves to Woodrow Wilson; some candidates compare themselves to Ronald Reagan, but Perry?  He compares…

13 years ago

Commission on Accountability and Policy for Religious Organizations Appoints Panel Members

ECFA Leading National, Independent Effort to Review, Provide Input on Accountability and Policy Issues Affecting Such Groups WINCHESTER, Va., Sept.…

14 years ago

Atheists ‘Going Public’ Has Some Christians Hot Under the Collar

BANNOCKBURN, Ill., July 19, 2011 — From eye-catching billboards that proclaim, “I can be good without God,” to a critically…

14 years ago