
America In The Age Of Stupidity: Things You Never See At A Kamala Harris Rally

Throughout history, we have gone through different ages, The Ice Age, The Gilded Age, and The Industrial Age. Now We…

4 months ago

After Growing in Office, He Was Too Big for His Britches

If there was ever a meeting in a church parking lot where incumbent politicians wish the state police had been…

5 years ago

Like It Or Not, This Election Is A Referendum

There is a sizeable faction in this country that is disgusted with the choices we have going into the 2016…

8 years ago

And the Progressives Laughed

Whether you believe that there were nefarious motives behind the advancement of inaccurate information about the Carson campaign by Cruz…

9 years ago

And We Sang, ‘We Won’t Get Fooled Again’

There is always an inherent danger in embracing a populist candidate for any office. Inclined to grandiose rhetoric and unfulfillable…

9 years ago

Trump reveals tax proposal

Donald Trump the Republican candidate for President made a restrained and knowledgeable interview on 60 Minutes which aired Sunday night.…

9 years ago

Trump-ettes, You Can’t Have It Both Ways

A funny thing happened on the way to the “Forum,” the “guy who doesn’t back down,” the “fighter,” got his…

10 years ago

Like Them or Not, They Do Know How to Message

Depending on the programs you watch on television – or the media avenue of your choice, it is hard not…

10 years ago

Eh! Who Cares About the Rules?

Have we as a nation – and more precisely, we are Conservatives, Constitutionalists, Libertarians and Republicans – completely given up…

11 years ago

When Disappointment Comes from The Right

As Republicans stand on the precipice of taking back the majority in the United States Senate – that is if…

11 years ago

GOP Joining March for Life

WASHINGTON, Jan. 13, 2014 /Christian Newswire/ -- The unprecedented decision by Republican Party Chairman Reince Priebus to delay the GOP annual…

11 years ago

How Advice from Three Frenchmen Could Have Won the Shutdown Battle

Speaker John Boehner is the Adm. Karl Dönitz of Republican politics. Hemmed in on one side by the pounding batteries…

11 years ago

Government Shutdown?…Blame Obama & Reid

There are two statements one can make with certainty about the current situation inside the beltway. First, truth is a…

12 years ago

To win, Republicans should focus on economics

As I have written a number of times here on CDN, the GOP is viewed very negatively by the majority…

12 years ago

Los Angeles Daily News Endorses Mitt Romney

On Saturday, the Los Angeles Daily News, the second largest newspaper in the L.A area, endorsed Republican candidate Mitt Romney…

12 years ago