I am a card-carrying member of the GOP, primarily because I reside in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. As a fiscal…
Remarks prepared by the Republican National Convention In 1980, I watched my first Republican Convention with my grandfather. He was…
After a very successful first day of the RNC convention, here is the day two schedule: 7:00 p.m. Convention convenes…
While the Republican Party and the Tea Party are still two vastly different factions, the Republicans Party is beginning to…
Monday afternoon when President Obama made a surprise visit in front of the press, he was asked about a now…
In a Minnesota speech yesterday, Vice President Joe Biden referred to Republicans as “squealing pigs”. Watch Here: Follow Chris on…
The Former Governor of New Mexico and current Libertarian Party candidate for president Gary Johnson isn’t likely going to become…
A recent Zogby poll has received a considerable amount of attention, which shows the new Republican ticket of Romney/Ryan pulling…
President Obama recently claimed that the nation was "united as one American family." So what if all Americans were unified…
While liberals remain aloof to our economic recession in Washington, every Republican governor elected in 2010 has reduced unemployment and…
Niccolò Machiavelli, the famed Florentine political philosopher, once posed the question whether it is better to be feared than loved.…
The RNC has released a new video "demonstrating how Hispanics have suffered disproportionately in President Obama's economy."
The RNC has released a new video of Obama repeating the same budget speech.
The RNC has released a new campaign video showcasing President Obama's favorite excuse for the weak economy: "headwinds."