sales tax

Why in the World Are Taxes Levied on Money Itself?

BY JP Cortez Imagine if you asked a grocery clerk to break a $5 bill, and he charged you a…

9 years ago

Senate GOP Supports Remote Control Taxation

The next time you see any of the following Senate Republicans: Lamar Alexander (TN), Roy Blunt (MO), John Boozman (AR),…

12 years ago

VA Gov. McDonnell Suffering from Legacy Fever

Judging from Gov. Bob McDonnell preoccupation with liquids one would almost think he’s a naval man, rather than an Army…

12 years ago

Cyber Monday: Online Deals Have Tax Consequences

Cyber Monday: Online Deals Have Tax Consequences, Says CCH CCH Outlines Taxes Consumers Face as They Shop Online for Holidays;…

13 years ago