Saul Alinsky

The Alinsky Factor: “Overwhelm the System”

For many watching the nightly news, the crisis currently playing out at our southern border may appear to be the…

4 years ago

The Danger of Being a Slave to Narrative Politics

One of the things that Fabian Socialists – the modern day version of Progressives – understood was that perception is…

8 years ago

Just When You Thought Hillary Clinton Was Finished…

Pay no attention to the fact that Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 General Election because she was a poor and…

8 years ago

The Untold History of a Political Con-Artist

BY ALEX PAUL Hillary Rodham Clinton - a name revered by some and hated by others. She’s been at the top…

8 years ago

Beware The Useful Idiots

There is one thing that binds Clinton and Obama together and that is they are both students in the beliefs…

9 years ago

The World Has Been “Fundamentally Transformed” By Terrorists, Leaving Obama And His Legacy Behind

Our slow-thinking, leftist-leaning president has done all he can to accomplish his arrogant intention of “fundamentally transforming America”, but in…

9 years ago

Obama Promises To Save Families Money By Killing Their Electricity

I wish our idiot, lying president would get his lies straight.  When he was campaigning for the Oval Office he…

10 years ago

Imagine A Photograph Of A Smiling Barack Obama With A Caption Under The Photo Asking “What Is This Man Smiling About?”

The current wisdom among the smart set is that Obama is an incompetent failure who is just not paying attention…

10 years ago

Media Deception and Brainwashing Techniques Working Well

I ran across an article by Ben Kinchlow in a World Net Daily “Commentary” column  a few days ago, and…

13 years ago

Barack Obama Steamrolls Towards Full Panic Mode in Latest Fundraiser Speech

In looking back at past presidential reelection campaigns, we see that an incumbent president faces the dilemma of having to…

13 years ago

Why Obama’s Use of Regulation vs. Legislation is Flawed

The Obama administration is using regulatory controls in place of legislation in many areas. By moving traditionally legislative actions into…

14 years ago

Death Penalty Abolished in Illinois

Governor Pat Quinn, of Illinois recently signed into law the abolishment of the death penalty, and he also commuted all death row inmates…

14 years ago

Sleaze – The Chicago Way

“So, what do you know about protocols?” asked the Vice President of Engineering for a network engineering company. It was…

15 years ago

What Does It Mean to Be Conservative?

What does it mean to be a conservative in America? The leftist groups in America woulda conservative as…

16 years ago