sesame street

Why is Big Bird on Welfare?

Sesame Street merchandise is a very profitable business, making hundreds of millions a year. So why is Big Bird on…

12 years ago

Big Bird gets his feathers ruffled over Obama’s new attack ad

Barack Obama is using Big Bird in his latest attack ad against Romney, but it looks like the big yellow…

12 years ago

Big Bird calls bullcrap on Michelle Obama

Now this is the Big Bird episode I could watch over and over!

12 years ago

Sesame Street: There is such a thing as a free lunch

The Obama economy is taking it’s toll in unexpected areas.  Now even one of the Muppets is going hungry.  Oh…

13 years ago

Lilly the Impoverished PBS Muppet Sells 'Free Lunches'

PBS' Sesame Street, WIC (Women, Infants and Children) and Merck Pharmaceuticals have teamed up to teach "food insecure" children that…

13 years ago