Sharron Angle

Harry Reid Might Not be Mentally Fit to Continue Serving in U.S. Senate

LAKE PLACID, Fla., April 4, 2014 /Christian Newswire/ -- Sharron Angle said that Senator Harry Reid's contradictory statements and peculiar…

11 years ago

Sharon Angle Ad: Stupid Things Harry Says

Today the Sharron Angle campaign released a new ad.  This one tracks the many gaffes of Senator Harry Reid who…

14 years ago

New Sharron Angle Ad: Big Clue

October 7,2010: The Sharron Angle for Senate campaign released a new ad entitled, "Big Clue." The ad details Harry Reid’s…

14 years ago

New Sharron Angle Ad: Thanks, Pal

Today, the Sharron Angle for Senate campaign released a new ad entitled, "Thanks, Pal." The new television ad highlights Harry…

14 years ago

Scott Ashjian Threatens to Hand Nevada Election to Harry Reid

For perhaps the first time this election season, I find myself in total agreement with the GOP establishment.  According to…

14 years ago

Statement From Sharron Angle On Reid’s False Ad

September 30th, 2010: Reid is trying to scare women into voting against me by making up facts out of thin…

14 years ago

Angle Campaign Releases Statement On ObamaCare

Sharron Angle for Senate Spokesman Jerry Stacy released the following statement today in reference to HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius’s visit…

14 years ago