small business

Small Businesses Struggle To Survive In Biden’s Economy, Optimism Hits All-Time Low: POLL

Small business owners are increasingly pessimistic about U.S. economic conditions and overwhelmingly support an expansion of domestic fossil fuel infrastructure,…

3 years ago

Too Woke to Work

Can you name one industry, local store, restaurant, or even coffee spot not impacted by a worker shortage? Everywhere you…

4 years ago

Survey: 8 in 10 Small Businesses Have Re-Opened in Some Capacity

A new survey of small to medium size business (SMB) owners conducted by the Electronic Transactions Association (ETA) and The Strawhecker Group…

5 years ago

Facebook, Their Bully Narrative, and COVID-19

LISTEN TO THE PODCAST “Facebook announced Thursday that it will start warning users if they have liked, reacted or commented…

5 years ago

The Coronavirus Stimulus Bill Is Intended To Save Small Business – But Will It Work?

President Donald Trump on Friday signed a relief package for Americans financially hurting under the coronavirus lockdown, including a stimulus…

5 years ago

Small Businesses Make Final Push For Health Insurance Tax Reprieve Before Lame Duck Congress Ends

Business advocates are making a final push to the lame duck Congress to delay a tax on health insurance providers…

6 years ago

Small Business Economic Outlook Remains High After 2 years under Trump Economic Policy

The Q4 MetLife & U.S. Chamber of Commerce Small Business Index (Index) released today recorded an overall score of 69.3, indicating a…

6 years ago

Trump Effect: Small and Mid-Size Business Owners See Growth and Higher Employee Pay Ahead

PNC Survey shows optimism running at historic highs in all categories. Half (49 percent) of business leaders anticipating an increase…

7 years ago

Taxes Are Killing Small Businesses [video]

Did you know that U.S. businesses are taxed at one of the highest rates in the developed world? How bad…

8 years ago

How Regulations Hurt Small Businesses

What do McDonald's, 7-Eleven, and Subway have in common? They're all franchisors that license franchises to small business people, who…

8 years ago

Watch: Does Big Government Kill Small Businesses?

Small businesses employ over 57 million Americans. And yet, the government's taxes and regulations overwhelmingly favor big businesses at the…

8 years ago

What’s Killing the American Dream?

If you've ever wondered what's killing the American dream? Here's your sign...

8 years ago

What Obama doesn’t understand about the American entrepreneur

Our President bemoans those with means. Unfortunately, he doesn't even understand what "means" means or what a "job" really is.…

12 years ago

CEO Nat’l Black Chamber of Commerce: Obama Bad for Country

CEO of the National Black Chamber of Commerce Harry Alford spoke to Stuart Varney of Varney and Co. on Fox…

12 years ago

Mr. President, This is Small Business America

Returning to campaigning President Obama held a rally at a small business, promoting his tax the rich agenda. But one…

12 years ago