small business

Insulting Small Businessmen Everywhere

In a speech July 13, 2012 at a Roanoke, VA fire station Barrack Obama shared a key reason many are…

13 years ago

Obama Tax Hike to Affect 900K Small Businesses

The White House says their tax increase will only affect the wealthiest Americans; those who can easily afford to pay…

13 years ago

RI Senator- Tax Rates Don’t Affect Small Businesses

Tax policy was the subject of a panel, titled 98 to 2: Raising Taxes to Invest in America and Promote…

13 years ago

Sixty-Nine Percent of Business Owners Do Not Plan on Hiring Within the Next Year

NEW YORK, Aug. 31, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Newtek Business Services, NASDAQ: NEWT, The Small Business Authority's Authority Market Sentiment Survey, a monthly window into…

14 years ago

Selling Ice to Eskimos

A Georgia company that makes chopsticks is not only growing rapidly, but is exporting chopsticks to foreign countries. Georgia Chopsticks…

14 years ago

Government Regulation Kills Entrepreneurial Spirit – Again

Midway, Georgia Police shut down a one-day old small business siting a lack of permits. The enterprising young entrepreneurs had…

14 years ago

Estate Tax to Return – Right to Property Threatened

Obama and his liberal cronies in Congress are bringing back the Estate tax.  This tax does most of it's damage…

15 years ago