Star Trek

William Shatner Tours Showing Re-release of Star Trek 11 The Wrath of Khan

William Shatner, everybody’s iconic Captain Kirk and overly hammy actor is on tour showing the re-release Star Trek 11 The…

7 years ago

To Boldly Go . . .and Waste Taxpayer Money

Your tax dollars at work. Made in 2010 but just coming into the public eye is a Star Trek spoof…

12 years ago

Get Your Tricorder Here

Star Trek fans will love this. The tricorders from early episodes is closer to reality. Scientific America: A team of…

12 years ago

Klingon Style: A ‘Gangnam Style’ Parody

If you are a Star Trek fan, this one is for you. Sung Almost Entirely in Klingon, this is a…

12 years ago

The Final Landing of the USS Enterprise

The experience of watching the space shuttle Enterprise circle New York City on its way to JFK Airport can be…

13 years ago