talk radio

The Passing of the Gatekeeper: Rush Limbaugh (1951-2021)

It is with sincere condolences that I extend my thoughts and prayers to the Limbaugh Family on the passing of…

4 years ago

Liberal Radio Host Calls For Mass Killing Of ‘Birthers’

* Warning: Explicit language  Oh, the tolerance of the liberal left!

12 years ago

Tonight on the Dark Side with Kira Davis

The awesomely intelligent and vivacious Kira Davis is away on business, so CDN blogger extraordinaire has the high honor of…

13 years ago

Who Will Herman Endorse?

  Herman Cain, former GOP presidential candidate, is scheduled to make an endorsement and announcement Thursday morning on his hometown…

13 years ago

FCC Gameplans to Shut Down Patriot Talk Radio

The FCC is quietly planning an all out assault on free speech and Conservative/Patriot talk radio in America. In a report…

14 years ago

Progressive Soap Box, Air America, to File Bankruptcy and Cease Programming

This memo at closes the chapter on a liberal talk radio outlet.  The memo basically blames the economy.  While…

15 years ago