A ring of criminals operating out of the Dominican Republic have been running a massive income tax refund scam in…
While many Americans are cutting back on household budgets to put $4.00 a gallon gasoline in their vehicles to get…
The Obama administration was caught red-handed giving a half-billion, taxpayer-funded green energy loan to a [now bankrupt] green energy company in what…
For Americans who still choose to get their news from the mainstream media corporations at ABC, NBC, and CBS, the news…
Barack Obama and company pumped a half a billion taxpayer dollars into the failed Solar Panel company, Solyndra. Big-time Obama…
Senator Tom Coburn, (R-OK) just released his 2011 Wastebook, A Guide to Some of the Most Wasteful and Low Priority…
A grifter is defined by urbandictionary.com as a: someone who swindles you through deception or fraud, and b: a grifter…
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials Monday announced the arrests of 330 fugitive illegal aliens in one of the largest…
Way back in 1973, Congress created another apparent political money-laundering, graft, and bribery payout-machine, (using our tax dollars) titled The…
Illegally entering America while breaking Federal Immigration laws and dropping illegal anchor babies appears to be a lucrative business in…