The Tea Party

Virginia Governor’s Race Is the Establishment’s Revenge

Virginia's off-year governor’s race is what conservatives would have faced in 2016 if Trump had done a Hillary as he…

7 years ago

Contempt of Congress by Any Other Name

Initially I was going to start with the line, “It is stunning to think,” but then I remembered I was…

10 years ago

Sen. Ted Cruz: ‘We Are Facing A Fork In The Road, A Fundamental Decision For This Country’ [video]

Speaking to activists at the South Carolina Tea Party Coalition Convention, Sen. Cruz takes aim at the GOP establishment and…

10 years ago

The Call of the RINO in Virginia and Mississippi

It would be a lot easier for conservatives to tolerate the sanctimony of Republicans In Name Only (RINOs) if they…

11 years ago

Eh! Who Cares About the Rules?

Have we as a nation – and more precisely, we are Conservatives, Constitutionalists, Libertarians and Republicans – completely given up…

11 years ago

The Danger of Granting Lerner Immunity

The House Oversight & Government Reform Committee has voted to advance a Contempt of Congress charge against Lois Lerner, the…

11 years ago

When Disappointment Comes from The Right

As Republicans stand on the precipice of taking back the majority in the United States Senate – that is if…

11 years ago

Not Welcome in New York

  Governor Cuomo of New York state, says conservatives are not welcome. See more A.F.Branco Cartoons here    

11 years ago

“Rendition”, Fact or Fiction? Totalitarian Government is Here

I watched the movie “Rendition” a few nights ago and began thinking about the situation in our nation today.  The…

11 years ago

House GOP Doesn’t Listen Any Better than Walmart

Occasionally the wrong person takes a column to heart. Earlier this month I wrote that Walmart doesn’t help its PR…

11 years ago

Sun Tzu predicted Republicans’ and Tea Partiers’ defeat over 2,500 years ago

Well before the government shutdown had begun, I knew it was a supremely stupid idea and a fight that would…

11 years ago

Black Tea Party Group Demands Apology from Alan Grayson

LOS ANGELES, Oct. 24, 2013 /Christian Newswire/ -- Conservative and independent-minded Black Americans are demanding a public apology from Congressman Alan…

11 years ago

IRS Scandal: Targeting Evidence Leading Straight To Obama

YouTube Description: The largest law suit ever filed against the IRS just grew stronger. H/T Western Journalism

11 years ago

A House Divided is Good?

One of the interesting items which occurred during the vote in the Senate to stop the government shutdown and raise…

11 years ago

Jabberwonky playing chicken Washington-style – October 13th

When: Sunday, October 13th, 10pm Eastern/7pm Pacific Where: Jabberwonky on Blog Talk Radio What: `Twas brillig, and the slithy toves…

11 years ago