Ten Commandments

California’s Gavin Newsom Angry Louisiana is not like California

The facts indicate that governor Landry is Spot on, and governor Newsom is clueless. An enraged Gavin Newsom went to Twitter this…

9 months ago

When Did God Become Unconstitutional?

Why, all of a sudden, is God unconstitutional in this country? America was founded on Judeo-Christian values, the Ten Commandments are…

8 years ago

John Kerry needs to explain himself

NEW YORY, May 5, 2014 /Christian Newswire/ -- Bill Donohue (photo) comments on remarks made on May 1 by Secretary of…

11 years ago

The Confederate Corner with George Neat September 3rd – Syria, Secession and Secularism

When: Tuesday, September 3rd, 10pm Eastern/7pm Pacific Where: Confederate Corner with George Neat on Blog Talk Radio What: Yes there are…

12 years ago

Evangelicals Flying Blind

Prominent on the list of things we didn’t know we needed is the new code of ethics for preachers released…

12 years ago