Term limits

‘Completely Unconstitutional’: Dems Introduce Bill to Effectively Slap Term Limits on SCOTUS Justices

Democrats introduced a bill on Tuesday that would effectively impose term limits on Supreme Court justices. The bill, introduced by…

3 years ago

Why Term Limits Lost and Ranked Choice Voting Will Succeed

There have been two major attempts to change the calculus of elections and officeholders since the ‘90s. One is a…

6 years ago

The Constitutional Work–Around for Term Limits

I’ve always wondered why the National Education Association (NEA) and the country club conservatives in the Republican House and Senate…

7 years ago

Free Market Term Limits Breakthrough

Serial entrepreneur Norbert Richter claims no relation to the inventor of the Richter Scale, but if his breakthrough idea is…

7 years ago

My Genuine Bipartisan Compromise Offer

The nation just witnessed what the OpMedia and the Commentariat like to call “bipartisan legislation.” The occasion was the two–year…

7 years ago

Jason Chaffetz Wants Taxpayers to Cough Up $2,500 Per Month Housing Stipend for Congress

You have to give it to Congressman Jason Chaffetz, he has some serious chutzpah. The retiring Utah Republican is calling…

8 years ago

Term limits are not a conservative proposition

Insulating individuals from the consequences of bad choices does nothing to promote democratic governance or protect civil liberties. It does…

8 years ago

Missing the Connection Between Politicians and Consequences

Today we have two widely separated instances of voters unable to grasp the connection between the people they elect to…

8 years ago

Two Words that Would Seal Trump’s Deal for Me

I am well aware Donald Trump isn’t a conservative. What’s more, I’ve seen no indication that he’s interested in adopting…

9 years ago

America Our Way with Dustin Hoyt – July 17th

When: Wednesday, July 17th, 10pm Eastern/7pm Pacific Where: America Our Way with Dustin Hoyt on Blog Talk Radio What: Dustin Hoyt…

12 years ago

Why Government Will Never Change

Every election cycle – let's face it, every day – voters criticize the government for its inability to function. We…

13 years ago

Jack Abramoff Wants Congress to Come Clean

There’s nothing like spending 43 months in prison for fraud, tax evasion and conspiracy in connection with Congressional influence–peddling to…

13 years ago

Frankly Barney, You Won’t Be Missed

When I learned Cong. Barney Frank (D–Libertine) was retiring after 30 years in the House, my first thought was don’t…

13 years ago

Mr. Morality, Bill Clinton Calls for an End to Presidential Term Limits

Impeached, former president Bill Clinton specifically told Morning Joe that while he does not think he should be allowed to…

13 years ago