What has our Department of Homeland Security metamorphosed into? Our third largest government agency has been stockpiling weapons and ammunition…
Today the Masai Mara National Reserve announced that an American couple (names withheld to provide anonymity-initials NP and HR) on…
Washington, D.C. (which the DC part now stands for dirty cesspool) should become a thing of the past. Society has…
“Apologize for what?” These three words have inspired and motivated millions of patriotic Americans. They have become a calling card…
2/26/13 Sequestration; headlines; Oscars...Tune in tonight at 10pm ET/7pm Pacific on the CDNews Network on Blogtalk Radio.
2/17/13 I talked to the President this week. I'll talk to Louis Fowler tonight. One of these conversations will be…
Pope Benedict XVI sudden resignation brings with it history, health, and heroics. He is the first Pope to resign in…
2/12/12 Atlas Shrugged producer Harmon Kaslow; Karen Seigmund of Rage Against the Media; Google+ Fireside Chat with the President and…
2/10/13 Best Worst Thing of the Week with Louis Fowler; Christopher Dorner; news from the junk drawer. Join us tonight at…
2/3/13 Gay Boy Scouts; Louis Fowler with entertainment; favorite Superbowl Commercials. Join us tonight at 10pm ET/7pm Pacific on the CDNews…
1/29/13 CDNews Radio favorite Kurt Schlichter joins the Dark Side for a little dose of #caring; also - women in…
1/27/13 The root canal is complete and Mrs.Davis is back with all bicuspids and molars in tact! Tonight we'll chat…
1/15/13 Ben Howe of Red State and Mr.Smith Media joins me to discuss gun control; What Would Jesus Do? Plus,…
1/13/13 - Happy 13/13! Louis Fowler joins the Dark Side to talk entertainment and we'll talk about "surprise" taxes; CA's…
The Democratic Party are masters of deception and illusion. When something sounds too good to be true it usually is.…