The Guardian

‘Newspeak’: Major Newspaper Will Refer To Climate Change As An ‘Emergency,’ ‘Breakdown’

A major U.K.-based newspaper will swap out the terms “climate change” and “global warming” for “stronger language to describe the…

6 years ago

Alleged Fabricator Contributed To The Guardian’s Manafort-Assange ‘Bombshell’

The Guardian is under fire over a questionable article published in November that alleged former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort…

6 years ago

WikiLeaks To Sue The Guardian, Sets Up GoFundMe For Legal Fees

WikiLeaks announced Thursday that the whistleblower organization will bring legal action against The Guardian after the British paper published a…

6 years ago

Untangling the web of NSA, Snowden, and PRISM

Arguments over the value of what Edward Snowden revealed to Glenn Greenwald of The Guardian have been out there ever…

12 years ago