Todd Akin

Neal Boortz is right: “social conservatives” will cost the GOP more elections

In a recent talk radio show, while filling in for Sean Hannity, conservative-libertarian Neal Boortz (the co-author of the FairTax)…

11 years ago

House GOP Doesn’t Listen Any Better than Walmart

Occasionally the wrong person takes a column to heart. Earlier this month I wrote that Walmart doesn’t help its PR…

11 years ago

Dang! I Missed Todd Akin’s Keynote Address

Life for a Comcast customer can be so frustrating. I’ve just gone 10 rounds with my DVR and the cable…

13 years ago

Romney’s Media Fostered Distractions

For the umpteen zillionth time since the presumptive GOP nominee’s identity became apparent, the “progressive” Party Pravda and their occupy…

13 years ago

GoldwaterGal Gives 405 Radio Listeners an Earful on Akin

GoldwaterGal Liz Harrison gave a sharp, edgy interview to radio host John Grant on Saturday, who came on the 405…

13 years ago

In Deep with Michelle Ray – 8/23

When: Thursday, August 23rd, 10pm Eastern/7pm Pacific Where: In Deep with Michelle Ray on Blog Talk Radio What: Join Social Media…

13 years ago

Liberal Math = Todd + Akin = Entire GOP

MSNBC's Chuck Todd thinks Mitt Romney is to blame for the Akin meltdown.  Yes, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, and the entire…

13 years ago

Akin As The GOP’s Biden

Yes, I said before that we should have just let the whole Todd Akin abortion nonsense blow over, and support…

13 years ago

Yes, Todd Akin Should Go

Todd Akin, it's almost unbelievable how fast your campaign went off the tracks.  To say that there are legitimate forms…

13 years ago

Vote For Todd Akin For Senate

First, I'd like to preface this with one thing. Before anyone gets the bright idea to start complaining about what…

13 years ago