Tom Coburn

Rebuttal of Sen. Coburn’s defense cuts proposals

Among the deepest, and most destructive, proposals of defense cuts made in recent years are those made by Sen. Tom…

12 years ago

U.S. Has 2-5 Years Before Financial Meltdown

We all know it's coming, but how long will it be before the United States reaches the point of no…

13 years ago

Sen. Coburn Releases Report on Wasteful Govt. Spending: "Wastebook 2011"

U.S. Senator Tom Coburn, M.D. (R-OK) today released a new oversight report, “Wastebook 2011” that highlights over $6.5 billion in…

13 years ago

Sen. Tom Coburn: Tax Payers Subsidizing Millionaires

A few days ago, I heard a little snippet on the radio about John Bon Jovi receiving farm subsidies from…

13 years ago

Gang of Six Plan .. or Not [Full Text]

Senator Tom Coburn rejoined the deficit panel known as the "Gang of Six" just in time to help sell a…

14 years ago