trade promotion authority

Current State of the USMCA Trade Agreement

The U.S. - Mexico - Canada agreement, USMCA, was agreed to by all three nations last year, so where is…

6 years ago

Distractions – A.F. Branco Political Cartoon

Everyone's paying attention to the rebel flag debate while we watch John Boehner and Barack Obama sell our national sovereignty…

10 years ago

Sessions: Fast-Track Will Transfer Power To Unelected Foreign Bureaucrats, Destroy American Jobs

Trade promotion authority will transfer power to unelected foreign bureaucrats.

10 years ago

What the Heck Happened This Week (WTH Weekly) – 6-19-15

Lying former anchorman of NBC Nightly News, Brian Williams, found a home at MSNBC. In other news: MSNBC's credibility as…

10 years ago

Obamatrade Passes House, Headed to Senate

Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) has passed the House of Representatives bolstering President Obama's push to make a landmark trade deal…

10 years ago

What’s In It?

  Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) will likely have an even crappier effect on the economy and populace than Obamacare. The…

10 years ago