trans-pacific partnership

White House Announces Withdrawal from TPP and Renegotiation of NAFTA

In a statement posted on the White House website, President Trump's administration seems ready to live up to his promises…

8 years ago

Donald Trump Address: Update on the Transition and first 100 days [Video]

The President-elect shares an update on the Presidential Transition, an outline of some of his policy plans for the first…

8 years ago

John Kasich proves he’s anti-American worker by working with Obama on TPP trade deal

NOW .. we understand why Kasich has held off from supporting the Republican nominee for president - he's siding with…

8 years ago

The Big Squeeze – How Obama Killed the Middle Class

Wal-mart is no longer the only retailer full of cheap, poorly-made foreign goods, American cars are made in Mexico and…

10 years ago

What the Heck Happened This Week (WTH Weekly) – 6-19-15

Lying former anchorman of NBC Nightly News, Brian Williams, found a home at MSNBC. In other news: MSNBC's credibility as…

10 years ago

Obamatrade Passes House, Headed to Senate

Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) has passed the House of Representatives bolstering President Obama's push to make a landmark trade deal…

10 years ago

What’s In It?

  Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) will likely have an even crappier effect on the economy and populace than Obamacare. The…

10 years ago

Wikileaks Releases First Sections of Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Today Wikileaks released the ploy that is the Trans-Pacific Parnership (TPP). All these agreements on so-called “free trade” are…

10 years ago

What is the Trans-Pacific Partnership?

While the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) has been in the works for a decade, only recently has it become front-page news.…

10 years ago