The military brass thinks Trump is more of a threat to the nation, than its pursuit of DEI policies.h The Inequity…
it's not whether celebrities say they want to leave the country. It's about fair weather patriotism, worse than declared enemies.…
Jesus is the fulfillment of Judaism and the Temple. CCC Chapter 2 Maundy Thursday, after Spy Wednesday, is a Christian feast or…
Today, sensationalistic rhetoric is cheap in American politics. There isn’t a day that goes by when the most outrageous words…
POLITICAL CORRUPTION AND TREASON ARE DESTROYING OUR NATION God answered my prayers regarding the 2016 election, installing Donald Trump as…
The dictionary has the definition of Treason as: 1. The offense of acting to overthrow one's government or to harm…
When he delivers the SOTU tonight, Obama will likely mention his plan to deeply cut (read: dramatically weaken) further America's…
CDN was kind enough to publish "Obama Flagrantly Commits Treason" on January 13, 2013. The article highlighted how Obama approved,…
President Obama gave a hot mic supplication to departing Russian president Dmitry Medvedev that Putin should give him more "space"…
Free Speech, Sedition & Treason The American Left has pushed the United States to the brink of Constitutional crisis. Whether…
The Merriam-Webster online dictionary defines TREASON as "the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the…