Ghosts of the USDA

I’m wondering when the WoePost will stop haunting readers with stories of the US Dept. of Agriculture’s brutal forced migration…

5 years ago

On the Trail of Tears With Federal Bureaucrats

Breitbart News reports 80 percent of the female migrants to the USA’s heartland are sexually assaulted during the trip. Yet…

5 years ago

Federal Employees Want Taxpayers to Keep Their Distance

The Washington Post (WoePost to regular readers) recently had a very ominous quote. Sandra Salstrom, a lobbyist for the American…

6 years ago

Trump Administration Looks To Remove Ineligible People From Food Stamp Rolls

The USDA proposed Monday eliminating a loophole in food stamp eligibility requirements that will cut 3.1 million people from the…

6 years ago

Food Stamps Now Available to Use Online

Food stamp users will be able to purchase their groceries online in a pilot partnership program between mega-supermarket companies and…

6 years ago

USDA closes offices in 5 states due to threats

The Agriculture Department said Tuesday it had closed offices in five states after receiving anonymous threats. A USDA spokesman said in…

9 years ago

Big Government Seeks Lesbians To Become Farmers. Was There A lack Of Lesbian Farmers That Was Threatening Our Food Supply?

Rush Limbaugh recently introduced this government program to most Americans during one of his radio programs, and below are some…

9 years ago

Why Mr. Ed Gives Better Lifestyle Advice than the Media

Paraphrasing William F. Buckley, I’d rather take lifestyle direction from 200 randomly selected people in the phone book than follow…

9 years ago

Costs Up, Quality Down for School Lunch

Schools across the U.S. are struggling to meet the school lunch requirements championed by First Lady Michelle Obama and regulated…

12 years ago

USDA wants meat origins on labels

Ever think about where the cow was born and slaughtered when you were biting into a nice, juicy burger? If…

12 years ago

VOODOO Food Economics

The USDA, in trying to increase participation in the SNAP or food stamp program, claims that for every dollar transferred…

13 years ago

Food Stamp Nation [video]

“We haven’t had a quadrupling of the number of people that are hungry in the country; that’s what the food…

13 years ago

USDA launches new website to help new farmers and ranchers is the new place to go to get help starting your new farm or ranch. The website will provide…

13 years ago

Sen. Tom Coburn: Tax Payers Subsidizing Millionaires

A few days ago, I heard a little snippet on the radio about John Bon Jovi receiving farm subsidies from…

13 years ago