From Standard and Poor’s official website:
Because the U.S. has, relative to its ‘AAA’ peers, what we consider to be
very large budget deficits and rising government indebtedness and the
path to addressing these is not clear to us, we have revised our outlook
on the long-term rating to negative from stable. (emphasis mine)
Of note there, is the recognition of our huge debt problem, and the failure of our Congress and President to seriously address this issue. The path to addressing our dangerous debt problem is not clear to the analysts at Standard and Poor’s, simply because the irresponsible spending that is responsible for trillion dollar deficits continues unabated. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that President Obama and the Liberal Democratic party in charge of the U.S. Senate refuse to cut back on a government so bloated that we will no longer be able to pay our bills on time in the very near future. The United States credit card is maxed out, and now the mathematically challenged tyrants in the Democratic party, along with Barack Obama want to raise the debt limit on the credit card drawn on the taxpayer’s account. The end result in this game will be more taxes slapped onto the backs of an already hurting working class in America.
Obama-Hoyer bond forms as Pelosi rejects budget deal.
The informal alliance has propelled the minority whip into the spotlight of the spending debate, bolstered his reputation as a centrist deal-maker and even led some Democrats to suggest he should lead the caucus in the looming talks over raising the nation’s debt limit.
I find it quiet interesting that when, for four straight years, we watched as Steny Hoyer promoted the far left agenda that is largely responsible for our massive debt problem of today, yet all of a sudden he is being painted as some sort of centrist politician concerned with our debt problems. I find this similar to Charlie Sheen being made the CEO of the Betty Ford drug addiction enter. Hoyer has had a huge hand in America’s massive deficits for four straight years, and we are supposed to believe that he is some kind of savior? He voted in lockstep with Pelosi’s far left Liberal big government expansion agenda at every turn, yet we are being led to believe that he is all of a sudden some type of Blue-Dog Democrat who wants to cut back on big government and install some fiscal sanity into our government today? Get real folks, this is all a nasty game of trying to make Obama appear as a born again centrist while he destroys what’s left of America if he is reelected in 2012. I,m not buying it and apparently neither is the much-respected Standard and Poor’s rating index. Scroll back up there to the first paragraph, and then you decide if you believe this nonsense that Hoyer and Obama are actually working to cut spending and get our debt down to a manageable level.
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