It appears that we have hit a new low in America. I just read an article via The Blaze that says according to the search engine results over the last couple of days, teenagers do not know who Osama Bin Laden is. I wish I could say this surprises me, but it doesn’t.
I remember in the months before the 2010 mid-term elections there was a “man on the street” style interview with different people and the majority of them interviewed had no idea who anyone in politics was, outside of Barack Obama. There were even people who didn’t know who Joe Biden was.
However, you show them a picture of “The Situation”, and oh my goodness! They knew immediately who he was! In fact, if I remember correctly, one woman even talked about how “hot” he is.
Ironically, I had not a clue who “The Situation” is before that segment! I had to look it up and when I found out he is a reality show star I was appalled!
The reality of the situation in this country is very disturbing.
So the question comes down to this: Who do we have to blame?
The answer to this question is wide and varied, I’m sure.
Obviously, education starts at home. Unfortunately, too many parents see the TV as their babysitter, so from a very young age our children are sat in front of an electronic box spewing mostly garbage. And our children are soaking it up like a sponge!
As they get older they are usually allowed to watch things that children have no business watching. They are being educated alright, but they are being educated about things they shouldn’t know until much later. And though they may be watching TV, or being on the internet as they get a bit older, the thought of checking out the news is foreign to them.
Then there is the education system. They are too busy teaching our children about Earth Day, being “green”, that capitalism is “evil”, new math which makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, and all the other various junk that they have no time for actual education of facts. Therefore, discussing news and world events that are actually relevant are ignored, all the while they shovel in the propaganda that is now classified as “news” but simply serves to further the leftist agenda.
And then there is our current administration. While I must say President Obama gave the best speech of his entire presidency Sunday night, he speaks out of both sides of his mouth. In January of 2009, President Obama said that it was “no longer necessary to kill Osama Bin Laden”. To his credit, he did say at that time that it would be his preference to “capture or kill him”, but it was no longer “necessary”.
Add in the fact that our President refuses to acknowledge that these are terrorists with ties to the Muslim religion, and up until very recently refused to even say it is terrorism, choosing rather to make it all sweet and mushy by renaming it “man-made disasters”. It is no wonder why most of this younger generation coming up has no clue what is going on and why killing Osama Bin Laden is news worthy all over the world!
The ever famous quote by poet and philosopher George Santayana should be a lesson to us. “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
America, we have allowed our schools to be taken over by the leftist agenda. We have allowed a box to teach our children right from wrong, and the boxes right is more often than not our wrong! If this news story does not wake us up then I don’t know what will. What can we expect? We’ve become so complacent as a nation!
It has been not quite ten years ago that the attack of September 11 happened. Yes, in respect to capturing and killing the man who orchestrated these attacks, 10 years is a very long time for him to be free. However, ten years is nothing in the scope of history. If our kids do not know current history, how in the world do we expect them to know the history of this great nation?
We are indeed doomed to repeat our past if we do not take this seriously immediately and make the necessary changes to prevent this from happening! While there are many bright and beautiful things in our nation’s past, there are also some very dark times as well. Unfortunately, it appears as though we will more than likely repeat the darkest part of our past if things don’t make some drastic changes fast!
America, it’s time to wake up! I don’t know how many more warnings we are going to get!
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